Two Hurley faculty members recently received teaching awards from the 2017 graduating class of medical students on the Flint Campus of Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.

Each year, the MSU-CHM graduating class is asked to nominate faculty who are excellent teachers and role models on the Flint campus, which comprises three area hospitals, said Kathy Assiff MA, director of Student Programs and community administrator for the MSU CHM Flint Campus.
Awards were given during the MSU-CHM Commencement May 13, 2017.
Ahmad Kaddurah MD, a pediatric neurologist and MSU faculty member at Hurley, was selected to receive the Volunteer Faculty Teaching Award. Kaddurah, associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development at MSU-CHM, regularly supervises medical students and resident physicians in their inpatient and outpatient pediatric neurology clerkships/rotations and is highly praised for his commitment, patience and thorough teaching on the subject, plus the one-on-one attention he gives to students. Kaddurah is certified in pediatric neurology, sleep medicine, and epilepsy - and serves as director of Hurley’s Department of Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric EEG Laboratory, and Pediatric Sleep Medicine.
Mahesh Sharman MD, a pediatric critical care specialist at Hurley who also is certified in hospice and palliative medicine, is associate professor of Pediatrics and Human Development, MSU-CHM. He also serves as the MSU-CHM director of community clerkships in Pediatrics across the state. Students and trainees work alongside Sharman during rotations in Hurley’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and appreciate Sharman’s commitment, extensive knowledge and teaching abilities.
Both Sharman and Kaddurah are part of the core faculty of the Hurley Pediatric Residency Training Program.