Congratulations to the 2020 Hurley Investigator-of-the-Year Award-winners and to Hurley Research Day Award-winners.
The inaugural Hurley Research Day started off as juried abstract competition, which would have resulted in a showcase of presentations on the spring Research Day, but COVID-19 caused Hurley to nix the in-person event. Since the judges had already evaluated the 51 abstract submissions, the Hurley Research Day Committee could still determine awards.
In addition, based on a larger body of work, individual faculty members and residents also were selected for investigator-of-the-year awards for each Hurley residency training program.
Investigator-of-the-year awards
Eleven individuals were honored for the quality of their research work and/or research mentorship in the 2019-2020 academic year.
2019-2020 Faculty Investigators of the Year
- Internal Medicine: Dr. Philip McDonald
- Obstetrics and Gynecology: Dr. Robert Welch
- Pediatrics: Dr. Navin Kumar
- Transitional Year: Dr. Thair Dawood
2019-2020 Resident Investigators of the Year
- Combined Medicine/Pediatrics: Dr. Kewan Hamid
- Internal Medicine: Dr. Mahmoud Barbarawi
- Internal Medicine: Dr. Tarek Haykal
- Internal Medicine: Dr. Yazan Zayed
- Obstetrics and Gynecology: Dr. Ahmed Moustafa
- Pediatrics: Dr. Neha Dayalani
- Transitional Year: Dr. Brandon Wiggins
The Hurley Research Day award-winners
From a total of 51 abstract submissions, 8 projects won a collective 10 awards. These winning presentations represent 39 unique individuals: 18 residents, 3 fellows, 13 faculty members, and 5 students.
Overall Best Study
Long Term Effects of Bariatric Surgery versus Medical Treatment in the Management of Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis
Yazan Zayed MD, Michele Obeid MD, Mahmoud Barbarawi MD, Sherry Demian MD, Smit Deliwala MD, Mohammad Salih MD, Lalida Kunaprayoon MD, Fatima Rizk BS, Ghassan Bachuwa MD, Hemant Thawani MD
Overall Best Case Report
STEMI and complete heart block secondary to a new emerging illicit substance known as Rhino
Anoosha Ponnapalli MD, Harsukh Nidhan Singh Dhillon MD, Nikita Theophilus MD, Pujan Kandel MD, Smit Deliwala MD, Mahmoud Barbarawi MD, Yazan Zayed MD, Tarek Haykal MD, Seif Saeed MD, Ghassan Bachuwa MD
Best Case Report in Combined Medicine/Pediatrics
Erythroblastosis Fetalis in dichorionic diamniotic twins – Rh incompatibility to different antigens
Ibukun Fakunle MD, Susumu Inoue MD
Best Case Report in Geriatrics
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease as a cause of dementia
Abdullahi Mahgoub MD, Sophia Tessema MPH, Ahmad Alsarah MD, Rasha Nakhleh MD
Best Study in Internal Medicine
Long Term Effects of Bariatric Surgery versus Medical Treatment in the Management of Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis
Yazan Zayed MD, Michele Obeid MD, Mahmoud Barbarawi MD, Sherry Demian MD, Smit Deliwala MD, Mohammad Salih MD, Lalida Kunaprayoon MD, Fatima Rizk BS, Ghassan Bachuwa MD, Hemant Thawani MD
Best Case Report in Internal Medicine
STEMI and complete heart block secondary to a new emerging illicit substance known as Rhino
Anoosha Ponnapalli MD, Harsukh Nidhan Singh Dhillon MD, Nikita Theophilus MD, Pujan Kandel MD, Smit Deliwala MD, Mahmoud Barbarawi MD, Yazan Zayed MD, Tarek Haykal MD, Seif Saeed MD, Ghassan Bachuwa MD
Best Study in Pediatrics
Addressing Human Trafficking Through Improved Recognition and Intervention by Resident Physicians in the Health Care Setting
Ashley Walker MD, Katherine Hay MD, Diana Chen MD, Maria Bule MD, Linh-An Van Cao MS4, Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto PsyD
Best Case Report in Pediatrics
When moving the neck is troublesome: Case Report of Neck-Tongue Syndrome (NTS) in a 13 year old
Neha Dayalani MD, Ahmad K. Kaddurah MD
Best Case Report in Transitional Year
Double synchronous, bilateral primary lung cancers diagnosed on same admission
Brandon Wiggins DO MPH, Smit Deliwala MD, Kushal Ranabhat MD
Best Case Report in Trauma
RIP Bullet
Leo C Mercer Jr MD, Dean M Kristl MD, Kristoffer Wong DO, Lindsey Rieck DO, Gul Raj Sachwani-Daswani DO, Donald J Scholten MD, Patrick Beer DO, Steve Haake MD