Hurley-affiliated faculty and resident physicians have had a busy few months, with 31 unique individuals contributing to 17 scholarly works.
Topics included COVID-19 patient characteristics & mortality, firearms among urban young adults, pancreatitis, lead levels in umbilical cord blood, violence prevention, omega-3 and heart failure, Crohn's disease, procedure techniques, predictor of atrial fibrillation, and more.
Many of Hurley's training programs and departments are represented: Emergency Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Radiology, Research, and others.
The research publications and presentations include the following from August through October 2021:
- Al-Abdouh A, Barbarawi M, Khan SU, Osman M, Upadhrasta S, Solipuram V, Abusnina W, Radaideh Q, Zhao D,Michos ED. Colchicine therapy in patients with coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Coronary Artery Disease 2021;32(5):441-447.
- Barbarawi M, Lakshman H, Barbarawi O, Alabdouh A, Al Kasasbeh M, Djousse L, Manson JE. Omega-3 supplementation and heart failure: A meta-analysis of 12 trials including 81,364 participants. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2021 Aug;107:106458. PMID: 34058392
- Carter PM, Cunningham R, Eisman AB, Resnicow K, Roche JS, Cole JT, Goldstick J, Kilbourne AM, Walton MA. Translating Violence Prevention Programs from Research to Practice: SafERteens Implementation in an Urban Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2021 Oct 20:S0736-4679(21)00719-8. PMID: 34688506. Access available @ HMC: https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/journal/1-s2.0-S0736467921007198
- Deliwala SS, Hussain MS, Ponnapalli A, et al. Pseudomelanosis Duodeni After Dialysis Initiation in Long-Standing Kidney Disease. Acg Case Reports Journal 2021;8(9). Available as open access at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8487778/
- Deliwala SS, Hussain MS, Ponnapalli A, Igbinedion SO, Bachuwa G, Bansal A. Accelerated balloon-retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO): an effective tool in the arsenal against isolated gastric varices (IGV). Bmj Case Reports 2021;14(9).
- Deliwala SS, Hussain MS, Ponnapalli A, Igbinedion SO, Bachuwa G, Bansal A. Pooled Technical Success of Direct Percutaneous Endoscopic Jejunostomy (DPEJ) in Pancreatitis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pancreas 2021;50(7):1053-1054.
- Hanna-Attisha M, Gonuguntla A, Peart N, LaChance J, DTaylor DK, Chawla S. Umbilical Cord Blood Lead Level Disparities between Flint and Detroit. American Journal of Perinatology 2021;38:E26-E32.
- Hussain MS, Balagoni H, Dwivedi S, Piper M. Macroscopic to Microscopic - A Case of Crohn's Disease Progressing to Collagenous Colitis. Cureus 2021;13(9). Available as open access at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8547377/
- Hussain MS, Deliwala S, Awuah D, Aashish Valvani. Line it up-Inadvertent placement of nasogastric tube in pleural space resulting in iatrogenic empyema. Clinical Case Reports 2021;9(9):e04729. PMID: 34484764. Available as open access at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ccr3.4729
- Mustafa M, Lutfi R, Alsaedi H, Castelluccio P, Pearson KJ, Montgomery EE, Nitu ME, Abulebda K, Abu-Sultaneh S. Improvement of Pediatric Advanced Airway Management in General Emergency Departments After a Collaborative Intervention Program. Respir Care. 2021 Oct 20:respcare.09250. PMID: 34670860
- Nezhat C, Youssef Y, Toledo AA. Hysteroscopy-assisted laparoscopic salpingectomy for interstitial pregnancy without cornual resection. Fertility and Sterility 2021;116(3):909-911. Access available via Hurley Medical Center at: https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/journal/1-s2.0-S0015028221004350
- Rimal P, Choudhury N, Agrawal P, Basnet M, Bohara B, Citrin D, Dhungana SK, Gauchan B, Gupta P, Gupta TK, Halliday S, Kadayat B, Mahar R, Maru D, Nguyen V, Poudel S, Raut A, Rawal J, Sapkota S, Schwarz D, Schwarz R, Shrestha S, Swar S, Thapa A, Thapa P, White R, Acharya B. Collaborative care model for depression in rural Nepal: a mixed-methods implementation research study. BMJ Open. 2021 Aug 16;11(8):e048481. PMID: 34400456 Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8370561/
- Sachdeva S, Desai R, Andi K, Vyas A, Deliwala D, Sachdeva R, Kumar G. Reduced left atrial strain can predict stroke in atrial fibrillation - A meta analysis. Int J Cardio Heart & Vasculature 2021 Aug 24;36: 1008592021. PMID: 34485678. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8391018/ or via Hurley Medical Center at: https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/journal/1-s2.0-S2352906721001470
- Said M, Afaneh H, Zaghmout O, Moses K, Young O, Abuzeid M. Minimally invasive management of juvenile cystic adenomyoma: report of three cases. Facts Views and Vision in Obgyn 2021;13(3):271-276. Available as open access at: https://fvvo.eu/archive/volume-13/number-3/original-articles/minimally-invasive-management-of-juvenile-cystic-adenomyoma-report-of-three-cases/
- Sokol RL, Schmidt C, Miller AL, Walton MA, Zimmerman M, Resnicow K, Cunningham R, Carter PM. Motivations for firearm possession and storage practices among urban young adults: differences between parents and non-parents. Injury Prevention 2021;27(5):409-412.
- Younas M, Osterholzer D, McDonald P, Rios-Bedoya C, Kunaprayoon L, Beere T, Demian S, Deliwala S, Omaduvie U, Bachuwa G. Clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Mid Michigan. (Abstract) World Microbe Forum virtual platform, 2021. Temporarily available at: https://wmf2021-asm.iposterses...
- Younas M, Rios-Bedoya C, Osterholzer D, Omaduvie U, Beere T, Kunaprayoon L, Deliwala S, Demian S, McDonald P, Lakshman H, Bachuwa G. Use of laboratory parameters as predictors of mortality of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Mid Michigan residents. (Abstract) World Microbe Forum virtual platform, 2021. Temporarily available at: https://wmf2021-asm.iposterses...
Jennifer Godlesky of the Hurley Medical Library contributed to this blog.