With more than 1300 applicants and 150 interviews, we are excited to introduce our SEVEN new Hurley Children’s Hospital pediatric residents.
This year was another competitive year for pediatrics – pediatrics had a 98% national match rate. Our incoming class is a truly exceptional group – their brief bios give you only a glimpse of their many accomplishments. We look forward to meeting them soon!
If you’re curious about your up and coming colleagues, read on. This is a very athletic, musical and adventurous bunch!
- Wyncel Chan MD: Earned BS in health science from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada, and earned her medical degree from Saba University School of Medicine in the Caribbean. Enjoys resistance training, cycling, yoga, hiking, scuba-diving, cooking, trying new recipes, and traveling.
- Neha Dayalani MD: Born in India, raised in the Caribbean, Neha received her bachelor’s degree from McMaster University, Canada, and her medical degree from American University of Caribbean, with clinical rotations in both the US and UK. An avid volunteer, she enjoys environmental projects, diving and art.
- Carmen Fanous MD: Graduated from University of Jordan Medical School, then completed an internship and transitional year in Amman, Jordan. A professional singer & pianist, Caren taught music theory at the National Music Conservatory in Jordan and currently directs a children’s choir.
- Korrina Fudge MD: This Canadian native completed undergraduate and graduate programs in biochemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland and earned her medical degree from Saba University School of Medicine in the Caribbean. A former Girl Guides of Canada leader, Korrina enjoys reading, rock-wall climbing, gardening, photography, hiking & kayaking.
-Fatima Hussain MD: Raised in Iraq, Fatima completed medical school at Gulf Medical University in the United Arab Emirates, where she began a pediatric residency at the ACGME-accredited Mafraq Hospital, UAE. She enjoys cooking, running, designing furniture, and spending time with family and friends.
-Aisha Khasawneh MD: Born in North Carolina, Aisha completed medical school at University of Jordan, where she started a family medicine residency. She enjoys reading classic novels, watching TED talks, spending time with family and friends, swimming and biking. - Nibras El-Sherif MD: With a medical degree from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, and an internship in Saudi Arabia, Nibras most recently was a research trainee in health-care systems-engineering at Mayo Clinic, Minn. This traditional dancer enjoys listening to music, dancing (of course), volleyball, and table tennis.