Julie Campe
Abstract deadline March 1 for 2017 MSU FAME Community Research Forum
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Don’t crash the MSU/FAME server by waiting until 11:59 pm March 1 to submit your abstract. Instead, submit your abstract in the next few days for the May 3 Michigan State University Flint Area Medical Education Community Research Forum.

The abstract-submission site closes at the 11:59 pm Wednesday, March 1, deadline. Submit yours online at: http://www.msufame.msu.edu/index.php/researcher/community-research-forum/2017-research-forum.
Remember that, for the first time, abstracts will be judged in advance to determine which are eligible for top prizes during the forum. Abstracts will be judged on scientific rigor. To make sure your abstract fits the new scoring criteria, click to see Case Report scoring criteria or Study scoring criteria.
Also different this year is a new length for abstracts, 500-750 words, to give enough space to describe findings.
The annual community research forum is sponsored by MSU/FAME, Hurley Medical Center, and two other area teaching hospitals.
Here are the details about the forum:
MSU/FAME Community Research Forum
7:30 am to 5 pm Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Holiday Inn Gateway Centre
5353 Gateway Centre Dr.
Flint MI 48507
For the event schedule or more information, visit the MSU/FAME research website
Questions? Contact Nick Lecea at the Hurley Research Center: email, phone