Wrap up your chi-square analyses, submit your research abstract for Hurley Research Day, and then relax with Chai tea from Jazzman's Cafe.
That's one way to meet the Feb. 3, 2020, deadline for abstract submission to be considered for inclusion in the April 22, 2020, Hurley Research Day, which takes place in the new Dr. R. Roderic Abbott Medical Education Center at Hurley.
After several years of taking part in a regional research forum, Hurley is returning to its roots by hosting its own research day, as it did in prior years, when the forum was named after a prodigious Hurley researcher, pathologist Frank V. Hodges MD.
Abstracts selected for inclusion as a poster or oral presentation in the event will be judged on scientific merit in advance, determining prizes to be announced during the April 22 Research Day. Presenters also will receive educational feedback from their performance on the day of the event.
Abstract submission ends Feb. 3, 2020, so be sure to visit the Hurley Research Day web page in advance to prepare for your submission.
- Projects at Hurley conducted by:
- Resident physicians & fellows
- Medical students
- Nursing students
- Students in other health professions
- Nursing employees at Hurley
- Must be able to attend the April 22 event
- Limited to two submissions per person as presenter or first author
Types of projects
- Case reports
- Research studies or Meta-analyses
Presentation options
- e-Poster
- Oral
Submission details
Word limit: Up to 400 words
Case Report Abstract Headings:
- Background
- Case
- Conclusion
Study/Meta-analysis Abstract Headings:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
Acceptance notification
Notifications will be released 4-6 weeks prior to the research event date.