Julie Campe
Call for research abstracts for 2018 MSU FAME Community Research Forum
Friday, December 1, 2017
Sharpen your pencils - or fire up your stats software. Abstract submission is now open for the 20th Annual Community Research Forum, which takes place 7:30am to 5 pm Wednesday, May 2, 2018, at the Holiday Inn Gateway Centre, 5353 Gateway Centre Drive, Flint, Mich.

First, visit the website at http://www.msufame.msu.edu/index.php/researcher/community-research-forum/2017-research-forum to see the criteria for each type of research submission. Then carefully read the step-by-step instructions; enter your research team’s contact information, and submit the abstract into the appropriate category. You can edit it until the March 1, 2018, deadline.
Don’t forget to have your IRB letter of approval ready for upload at time of submission, or you cannot complete the process. Also, at Hurley be sure to have your program director or designated faculty review your abstract before submitting the abstract.
The annual community research forum is sponsored by Michigan State University Flint Area Medical Education, Hurley Medical Center, and two other area teaching hospitals.
Deadline: 11:56 pm Wednesday, March 1, 2018.
Contact Nick Lecea at the Hurley Research Center: email, phone