We will miss our senior residents and our junior faculty when they wrap up their Hurley assignments in June, but it is nice to know that many of them already know their next step in their careers.
Hurley Internal Medicine just announced recent fellowship match results for current seniors and faculty, many who are recent graduates themselves. Not every person matched into their choice of fellowships this first try, and we share in their disappointment because we know how skilled and dedicated they are. But we know their hard work and excellent habits will serve them well in their futures.
And, of course, we share in the congratulations for those who did match into their selected fellowship.
“Many of our residents and faculty were matched in several competitive specialties and with the top programs across the country,” said Program Director Ghassan Bachuwa MD MSHA MS.
Here are the known fellowship matches to date:
- Ahmed Abdalla. St. John Hospital, Detroit, Mich. Hematology-Oncology.
- Emad Abu-Sitta. University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Infectious Diseases.
- Samer Al-Hadidi. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. Hematology-Oncology.
- Nour Aljariri. University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Endocrinology.
- Maneesh Gaddam. Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, Bronx, New York. Pulmonary Medicine.
- Ranine Ghamrawi. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Nephrology.
- Joud Jarrah MD. Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. Sleep Medicine.
- Mohammed Osman. West Virginia School of Medicine, Morgantown, W.V. Cardiovascular.
“Please congratulate our colleagues and wish them a successful fellowship training,” said Bachuwa. “This has been an exceptional year indeed. Thank you to all of the faculty and staff for your support to help them achieve their goals.”
According to the National Resident Matching Program’s 2018 Medical Subspecialty Matching Program report for Internal Medicine and Pediatric Residency graduates, 4,242 (77.3%) of certified applicants matched to a medical subspecialty in 1,716 programs that are enrolled in the matching service. (Some fellowship programs recruit outside of the match.) Of the 1,657 certified programs, 1,318 (79.5%) programs completely filled their positions, while 4,242 (87.8%) individual positions were filled.
National matching results for some of the above-listed fellowships include:
- Cardiovascular disease (all subspecialty programs, including adult and pediatric): 71% (885) of its applicants matched to this specialty.
- Endocrinology (all subpspecialty programs, including adult and pediatric): 86% (267) of its applicants matched to this specialty.
- Hematology and oncology (all subspecialty programs, including adult and pediatrics): 71% (540) of its applicants matched to this speicalty.
- Infectious diseases: 93% (313) of its applicants matched to this specialty.
- Nephrology (all subspecialty programs, including adult and pediataric): 96% (271) of its applicants matched to this specialty.
- Pulmonary disease: 43% (13) of its applicants matched to this specialty.
- Sleep medicine: 87% (150) of its applicants matched to this specialty.