Whether you're a community pediatrician or an out-of-town alum of Hurley's Pediatric Residency Program, you may want to reserve your seat now for the half-day Hurley Annual Pediatric Conference and 8th Event for Alumni & Friends of the Hurley Pediatric Residency Program.
And if you're traveling, it's time to reserve a hotel room or find friends with a spare bedroom.
Hurley alum named 2020 Hurley Pediatrics Distinguished Alumni
The Hurley Pediatric Distinguished Alumni Award recipient this year is a member of the 2006 Hurley graduating class. Surendranath Veeram Reddy MD is now an interventional cardiologist and chair of the Children's Heart Center Research Committee at UT Southwestern / Children's Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. His presentation, Transcatheter Premie PDA Closure - The Why, Who, and When? begins the day's educational activities at 12:45 pm April 17, 2020.
He addresses another topic at 2 pm: Hypertension in Children: Identification, Diagnosis & Management for the PCP.
Other speakers, topics
The day is filled with speakers who will help a primary care physician stay up to speed on such topics as benefits and risks of social media and electronic communications, genetic testing for global developmental delay or autism spectrum disorder, ophthalmology update, and marijuana and substance use in teens.
If you're an alum, many of your favorite attendings and colleagues will be there: Dr. Brian Nolan, Dr. Ahmad Kaddurah, Dr. Anju Sawni, and more.
12-6 pm
Friday, April 17, 2020
Holiday Inn Gateway Centre
5353 Gateway Centre
Flint, MI 48507
Online Registration: http://education.hurleymc.com/...
Phone Registration: 1-855-310-3627
Mail Registration: Print the brochure & mail registration form
See the Program Brochure for the agenda, speaker & topic lists.