Congratulations to the Hurley Soccer Team for once again winning the 18+ Coed C Division at Soccer Zone in Grand Blanc, Mich. Due to the team's success, Soccer Zone has moved Team Hurley up to the B Division for the next season. So there will be more competition starting in April 2021.
The new indoor soccer session starts April 15 at 630pm. If you would like to play, please email me (Dr. Reyes) to confirm your spot. Once I have confirmed the number of players, I will calculate the cost. You must pay to play!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the game. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the game so we can start with a full team. If this is your first time playing, please come 20 minutes prior to the start.
Contact me if you have any questions.
The "Team Hurley" soccer team is made up of residents, faculty and sometimes nurses and students. It's a fun way to get exercise, reduce stress, and socialize, which is especially important during this pandemic era. Soccer Zone may adjust its rules week to week, depending on the pandemic conditions and state rules, so check its website regularly for any rules on spectators, etc.
Banner photo: Hurley soccer team file photo.