Prajwal Shanker
- Faculty, Hurley Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program, Flint, Mich.
- Associate Program Director, Hurley Medical Center Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Program, Flint, Mich.
Dr. Prajwal Shanker started his career at Hurley in 2020 as a resident physician in Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics. After he graduated, Hurley recruited him to stay on as faculty, which is a boon, due to his popularity as a teacher/clinician and his knowledge of the Flint area.
- Medical degree: S.S. Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Davangere, Karnataka, India
- Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics residency: Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Mich.
Scholarly Activity
Dr. Shanker has been involved in scholarly activity throughout the years, including being part of the Hurley research team that took home the top research award from a regional conference.
- Shanker P. Duck flower detox causing acute interstitial nephritis. Clinical Vignette. Michigan Chapter ACP and SHM Michigan Chapter 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting, Bellaire, Mich.
- Fakunle I, Shanker P, Valvani A. (2022). Interstitial lung disease exacerbated by non-novel SARS_COV-2. Chest. 162. A324. 10.1016/j.chest.2022.08.250.
- Shanker, Prajwal, Fakunle I. Nonischemic cardiomyopathy presenting with abdominal pain: An incidental left ventricular thrombus. CHEST 2022 conference of the American College of Chest Physicians, Poster presentation. Oct. 16-19, 2022.
- Fakunle I; Bala A; Kunaprayoon L; Ponnapalli A; Shanker P; Seedahmed E. Effect of varied insulin dosing on serum potassium reduction in acute management of hyperkalemia systematic review and meta-analysis of retrospective cohort studies. Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, Flint, 2021 Research Forum. Best Research Award
- VinodKumar CS, Shanker P, Basavarajappa K, Kalasuramath S. (2020). Currency as a Large Scale Fomite for Transmitting Pathogenic Bacteria in Community and Utility of UV Light to Disinfect Currency. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 9. 2367-2373. 10.20546/ijcmas.2020.904.284.