Taja Lay
Program Coordinator
- Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency, Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Mich.
Where are you from originally?
Flint, Mich.
About living in Michigan
Staying here in Michigan was best for my family. Our support system, careers, and community is here. Flint is experiencing some major changes, and I'd love to see the growth and development of my community and proudly say I was a part of that.
- Bachelor-of-science degree in healthcare administration, Baker College, Flint, Mich.
What do you like most about working with resident physicians?
The eagerness and excitement of learning. Our residency program is extremely diverse, and watching our group gain closeness or build a family-like relationship is very rewarding.
I've been married for 10 years. My husband and I have 3 kids together and a busy Frenchie named Apollo.
When you're not working, what do you do for fun?
My family and I love being outdoors. We love to hunt, fish, camp, and garden. I enjoy reading, traveling, and cooking.
My children
Toughest challenge
My toughest challenge in achieving my goals was my perfectionism. My perfectionism would cause me to freeze versus act. I solved this by being more objective about my work and taking more incremental approaches to my work and other challenges.
Favorite quote
Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
~Harvey Specter (from "Suits")