Combined Internal Medicine Pediatrics
- 2024 EXAM NEWS:
- 100% Pediatrics Board Passage for Med/Peds residents
- 100% Internal Medicine Board Passage for Med/Peds residents, 12th year in a row!
- Meet Program Director Adiraj Singh MD (bio)
- THIS YEAR: Interviews will be conducted virtually. See Hurley GME's Application Process web page for other pandemic adaptations, such as eligibility criteria related to Step 2 Clinical Skills.
- Meet our newest faculty member: Prajwal Shanker MD.
- Hiring: Program faculty with opportunities to also work in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
- Fellowship news: 100% fellowship match for 2025 - See the list here.
The Combined Internal Medicine / Pediatrics (Med-Peds) Residency Training Program at Hurley Medical Center is expressly designed for motivated residents seeking career flexibility, a longitudinal, “whole-person” perspective on human development, and the opportunity to serve patients at every stage of life. This mature, well-established residency training program provides extensive engagement in real-word medical practice and serves as an excellent platform for a primary-care career track. The concentrated, 4-year educational experience fully prepares residents to pass both the internal medicine and pediatric board exams.
Links to our Internal Medicine & Pediatrics programs
Pediatrics Program
Our Pediatrics Residency Program welcomes Med/Peds residents to all aspects of our residency: Social, clinical and academic! In fall 2021, the program had a 100% board passage rate in Pediatrics.
Internal Medicine Program
Our Internal Medicine Residency has a 100% 5-year board-passage rate and eagerly includes Med/Peds residents in its rotations, research projects, and quality-improvement projects.

Interdisciplinary learning
Program Strengths
Affiliated with the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, our program incorporates the extensive academic and clinical resources of both institutions’ internal medicine and pediatric programs and departments and provides balanced training in ambulatory care, general inpatient care, intensive care, and numerous subspecialties.
One of the hallmarks of our residency training program is the combined med/peds continuity clinic and ambulatory block rotation. The closed-block ambulatory rotation runs concurrently with our Internal Medicine / Pediatrics continuity clinic to help provide ongoing care for all of our patients, a stable practice environment for our residents, and an opportunity to participate in quality-improvement initiatives and the development of office best practices. Hurley Medical Center also sponsors numerous community health and outreach initiatives designed to increase engagement with the individuals, families and neighborhoods we serve.
Our current roster of 12 residents includes international and U.S. medical graduates.
Contact Med/Peds by phone
When email just won't do it, contact the Med/Peds Residency Program office at 810-262-7045.
Contact Med/Peds by email
If you've read our FAQs and our website and still have questions, email is the best way to reach us.