Faculty & Staff


Faculty on fire, 2024-2025 academic year:

  • Blocks 2-4: Danelle Stable DO and Muhammad Jabbar MD were selected as the Pediatrics Residency Program's faculty on fire due to their dedication in teaching, respect and support of residents, kindness, and great personalities.
  • Blocks 5-6: Zachary Patterson MD and Ahmad Kaddurah MD were selected as faculty on fire due to their excellence in teaching, professionalism, feedback, and kindness.

In the news: Rx Kids launches in January 2024. Led by Hurley faculty member Mona Hanna MD, it's a first-ever cash program for Flint mothers aimed at preventing infant poverty. See the Rx Kids website for more information.

In the news: Hurley pedatric faculty member Mona Hanna MD was named assoicate dean for public health at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in July 2023.

Program news: Hurley pediatric infectious diseases specialist Yaseen Rafe'e MD was named Hurley pediatric clinical director AND associate program director of the Hurley Pediatric Residency Program. Brittany Tayler MD also was named associate program director for the Hurley Pediatrics Residency.

Hiring: Pediatric hematologist/oncologist and pediatric neurologist.

From the tiniest newborn to those nearly 20, children are the focus of our pediatric program. Click on the names below to meet some of the people who make sure that children get some of the best clinical care in the nation and that residents get some of the best teaching in the nation. With a smaller program embedded in such a highly skilled clinical setting, residents learn at the bedside with some of the top experts around.

Asaad Beshish MD

  • Pediatric Intensivist

Minkyung Choe MD

  • Neonatologist

Adonis Lorenzana MD

  • Hematologist/oncologist

Dr Sharman facilitating a Pediatrics I PASS handover simulation 2015
What's new at Michigan State University?

Hurley Peds faculty take on leadership roles

It takes a lot of people to run medical schools and residency training programs. The Pediatrics and Human Development Department at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine is no exception. Fortunately, they have some of the best and brightest to lead the way, including 4 Hurley pediatric faculty in leadership positions.

MSU PHD Committee Board subcommittee roles

In the MSU PHD Committee Board's various subcommittees, starting Sept. 1, 2020, here are the roles from the Hurley Pediatrics Program:

Executive Committee

  • Yaseen Rafe'e MD
  • Mahesh Sharman MD

Medical Student Programs, Liaison Committee on Medical Education

  • Mahesh Sharman MD

Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee

  • Ranjan Monga MD

Research Committee

  • Rebecca Ellens PsyD

MSU CHM Peds department roles

In addition, the Peds Department at MSU CHM also has help from Hurley Pediatrics Program physicians in other ways, such as listed below:

Lead Clerkship Director for Pediatrics

  • Mahesh Sharman MD

Lead Clerkship Director for Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

  • Mahesh Sharman MD