- Read bio of Gul Raj Sachwani-Daswani DO, director of the Hurley Trauma Surgery and Trauma Research Fellowships
- 2023-2024 News:
- Adam Howell DO joined the Trauma faculty after graduating from his Hurley Trauma Surgery Fellowship.
- Hurley Medical Center received Surgical Quality Partner designation from the American College of Surgeons, which recognizes the safest and most effective surgical care possible.
- A second daVinci XI surgical robot was added at Hurley, providing more options for minimally invasive procedures.
- Actively seeking:
- 2024-2025 Trauma Research Fellow
Two fellowship positions offered at Hurley Medical Center
Both the Trauma Surgery Fellowship and the Advanced Trauma Surgery Fellowship (also known as the Trauma Research Fellowship) are a collaboration between Hurley Medical Center, Flint, and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, Department of Surgery, East Lansing. The one-year surgical fellowship concentrates on trauma evaluation, surgical care and critical care support for adults and children, while the one-year research fellowship focuses on research and other academic skills, as well as on clinical leadership.
The Trauma Surgery Fellowship of the MSU-CHM Department of Surgery is designed to train surgeons who have completed a surgical residency in all phases of the care of critically ill and injured patients. It prepares the Fellow to function with advanced skills suited for either an academic or clinical career. Its curriculum has been developed to produce competent graduates skilled in caring for the injured patient and prepared to play a leadership role in trauma centers and systems. A certificate is awarded upon completion of the fellowship.
The Trauma Research Fellowship of the MSU-CHM Department of Surgery is designed to train those who have completed a residency and/or medical school. The goal is to prepare them to become career trauma researchers who are comfortable teaching residents and students as well as initiating research projects and leading clinical improvement efforts. It prepares the Fellow to function independently in research, community or interdisciplinary team settings and to represent the institution locally, regionally, nationally or internationally. The research fellow has an opportunity to receive a faculty appointment in the MSU-Surgery Department. A certificate is awarded at the completion of the year.
Hurley Medical Center is a Level I Trauma Center, verified by the American College of Surgeons, with dedicated trauma facilities and state-of-the-art technology. The 443-bed tertiary care public hospital serves as the fellowship's primary training site and is the care-referral site for mid- and northeastern Michigan, with a catchment area of more than 1 million people.Caseload
With such a large geographical region and with access to exclusive diagnostic tools, the Trauma Service caseload is broad and extensive. About 20% of the 1700 annual trauma admissions are penetrating injuries, with more than 150 major trauma operations per year. Management of blunt trauma and burn care also are part of the caseload.
Multidisciplinary Team
The multidisciplinary Trauma Critical Care Service is staffed by board-certified surgical intensivists, who provide supervision and educational opportunities for the Trauma Fellow in this major regional trauma center. In turn, the Fellow is supported by rotating third- and fourth-year surgical residents and a full complement of trauma physician assistants. The Fellow will gain exposure to a variety of disciplines, thanks to:
- Continuous in-house coverage by Trauma & Acute Care Surgery attendings, all of whom are board-certified in surgery and surgical critical care
- 24-hour coverage: Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, ENT, and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Continuous in-house Anesthesiology coverage
- Region's only Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Region's only Burn Center
- Dedicated Beacon-Award-winning Neuro/Trauma/Burn ICU
Academic skill development
The Trauma Surgery Fellow is provided the opportunity to become an Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor and attend the annual Detroit Trauma Symposium. Since the institution houses many health educational programs, the Fellow also has a chance to develop teaching skills by presenting information to resident physicians, medical students, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Additional scholarly activity skills are acquired through trauma research.
The Trauma Research Fellow is provided an opportunity for a faculty appointment through MSU-CHM Department of surgery. He or she also will learn how to design and implement original research studies, analyze the results and present the findings. The advanced Fellow will work in interdisciplinary teams in research or performance improvement and will hone presentation skills by teaching to other learners at Hurley Medical Center and also by presenting findings at professional and scientific conferences.

Clinical excellence
Hurley named ACS Surgical Quality Partner
In fall 2023, the American College of Surgeons awarded one of its highest designations to Hurley Medical Center as a Surgical Quality Partner in recognition of its safety and most effective surgical care.
Per the ACS, Surgical Quality hospitals experience fewer complications, have lower cost of care, and produce better outcomes. They demonstrate improved quality of care in trauma, cancer, breast disease, bariatrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, and overall surgical care. That is true at Hurley, which serves patients in Mid-Michigan, the Thumb, and Northern Michigan.
Dr Gul Sachwani, chief of trauma and acute care surgery and director of the trauma fellowships, said the designation is an honor.
"It speaks to our drive to coninuously improve the care of our surgical patients," he said, noting that it's a testament to the team's dedication, compassion, and clinical excellence.