House Staff Association Agreement with Hurley Medical Center

Agreement: HMC House Staff Association and Hurley Medical Center

To achieve the highest levels of patient care, ensure the effective education of graduate medical residents and create a positive working environment, Hurley Medical Center and the House Staff Association (the representative body of the medical residents) have negotiated and approved a broad range of employment-related standards and policies. This House Staff Association Agreement with Hurley Medical Center addresses a number of issues, including work schedules; salary; vacation, sick and other leaves of absences; grievance procedures; and more.

Download a complete copy of the current House Staff Association Agreement with Hurley Medical Center here.

Upon employment, each resident signs a Resident Physician Contract - see sample contract.

The Executive Committee members for the House Staff Association are selected by votes from the residents and fellows at Hurley Medical Center.

House Staff Association Officers for 2023-2024

President Rohit Gupta MD*
Vice President E. Ochuko Ogbon MD**
Well-Being Secretary Madugodaralalage S Gunaratne MD**
General Secretary Bibek Karki MD**
Treasurer Yashitha Chriumamilla MD**

*Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics resident
**Internal Medicine residents

In addition, to represent training programs without elected officers, two people were selected as representatives for their residency programs:

Ob-Gyn: Sadhana Chalasani MD
Sevgi Dasdemir MD

House Staff Association Resident Wellbeing Committee

To promote wellbeing, the House Staff also plans year-round activities for residents and fellows in all Hurley Programs. Learn more here.

Introduction to the resident physician union
Former VP Santosh Dhungana MD talks to new residents about the Hurley House Staff Association during a combined GME educational event.